3,000 words in 8 hours. Man I used to be faster. But in my defense, they were researched quite a bit to make sure I was getting the story. I want to make sure I’m doing it when Google Panda checks my homework. I’ll hit my 4,000 words after dinner, but I wished I was quicker.
But, wow, did the hours fly by
I’ve been waiting for a day like this.
But After Nearly Hitting My 4,000 Words…
I’ve run out of words to describe my day. The day was mostly spent between my ears, making sure my knowledge of Google Panda was up to day as well as other SEO trends, and not getting to work on the Summer of 210,000 Words. Let’s not even mention the fact I didn’t even get to Project O3.
But it was my first 13 hour day since this summer. And I’m looking for to another 13 hours tomorrow. Seems to be the magic number.
Hold Me Accountable Things I Did Right
Breakfast: 2 eggs, scrambled. 2 turkey sausage patties. 2 slices of toast, wheat w/ strawberry jelly. 1 orange.
Lunch: PB & J on Jelly. Baked Doritos & Ruffles
Iced Teas: 3.
Glasses of Water: 3
Dinner: BBQ chicken breast. grilled potato cubes w/ green beans.
Snack: Raisins, Baked Ruffles.
Dinner Snack: popcorn, no butter, light salt -3/4 serving.
Walk: 90 minutes.
Toothpicks: 7.
Hold Me Accountable Things I Did Not As Right
Dinner: 3 slices of bread / roll with butter
Diet Pepsi: 22 oz.
Sierra Mist: 7 oz.
Iced Tea: 4th.
Cardio: 0.
Summer of 210,000 Words
3,900 / 4,000 Words.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
I’ve got to hit cardio, eat least f****’ rolls while waiting for dinner and cut down on the non-water drinking and I should be alright. Especially if I suprpass 4,000 words and work steady on Project 03.
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