To paraphrase Lennon & McCartney:
“Boy, you’re gonna carry that weight, carry that weight a long time,”
But my heart will be able to physically take it a little while longer.
Doctor gave the clean bill of health, threw me an enzyme to take daily and told me to take that load off, [the] Fanny (thank you, Robbie Robertson).
So long as I leave the chips evenly balanced on my shoulders, I’ll have nothing holding me back from pursuing my dreams.
‘Cept for maybe a demon or few – the constant weight.
Some things changed Some things stayed the same.
Just a few more things to check off, skills to learn, and works to edit and life can blend back into normality for awhile while I recharge.
I can write about experiencing the blues, but can’t write while experiencing the blues, as much as I’d love to remember some of the better lines that purse my lips while I pursue peace.
The blues, so much as I know, are solely meant to be experienced. They can only be written about from afar. I think the distance allows the moment and the emotion to jostle for perspective. Like sundown over the horizon…over water, mountains, fields, water, the open road…
“I gots a good memory.”
as Muddy Waters would say.
Thank you for the thoughts, prayers & support. And thank you, further, for understading my need to stay off grid.
Y’all will be missing the time I was off grid soon enough.
Got my keys. Time to blow through a few crossroads. Hope to see you there.
– Finn
His promoters describe him as a breath of fresh air, away from the usual ex-this and ex-that, who usually characterise the presidential contest. …
director Scott Woodward about a new contract (or an extension) and that “hopefully we get some pretty good news out here real soon” on that front. …