In beat with previous concessions, instead of lacing up walking shoes and working up a sweat, I’m engaged in OldOld man Finn’s favorite long-standing Saturday Night tradition: watching The Lawrence Welk Show
My aunt is grumbling over the fact that there’s still 20 minutes to go. My mom is pointing out the comb-overs: “poor guys.” Oldold man Finn is nostalgiaing over the long-since-forgotten details of a show that hasn’t taped an episode since 1982:
“The spoon player is from Portland, IN.”
“Nope, those guys are twins.”
“There used to be a guy from Gary [IN] on here.”
My uncle inquired,”Lawrence Welk never paid above union scale?”
“I dunno,” answered OldOld man Finn, “but he had guys stay on a great many years.”
I’m the de-facto south room iPhone 3G Google researcher so I had to see that Welk was of German immigrants n was born on March 11, 1903 in Strasburg, North Dakota. My uncle – who is the de-facto north room iPhone 3G Google Researcher and who asked the question – can find out the wages.
Of course, this means that I’m not getting my walk in. I need to get my energy levels up so I’ll have more time in the day to write. I’m getting old.
The trip to Ave Maria University, outside of Naples, FL was a refreshing surprise.
Founded in 2007 by Domino’s Pizza founder Tom Monaghan, inhabitants of the area told me that Monaghan sold off his stake in Domino’s Pizza in order to fund the completion of the project.
Complete with resort homes n exquisite French Quarter meets beach resort (despite being 10 miles from the gulf) meets a safely-diluted variation of Stepford Addendum: I have not researched the denominational qualifications of the institution.)
Ave Maria University near the front and the other side…
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