Sam Cooke has had a much better life than me, I am still gonna try to win.
And I know I won’t do it alone.
It’s probably why I started my “People Along The Way” section, to help highlight those people who have helped me work on both my plan “A” and “B.”
I met Steve Dalton on my first trip to Blog Indiana. The co-workers and I started supporting Steve as he not only represented but also defended Northwest Indiana’s place at the state’s definitive internet marketing convention.
From that point on, Steve took us under his wing and I’m grateful every time a project comes up he asks me to work on.
Who is Steve Dalton?
Steve is a Northwest Indiana Mortgage Lender, one of The Region’s most respected and most sought after. An early adopter of Social Media, he had 4,000 friends on Twitter before most of the rest of us in the field sent our first tweet.
And though I might not be ready to be one of those Valparaiso home mortgage holders with the roots and the life ahead quite yet, you can be sure as the day is long I’ll be looking to him for advice.
And if my history with him to this point is any indication, Steve will be there to make sure I do it right.
Until then I’ll have to keep watching HGTV and dreaming of building my first home until such time as domestication finally grabs a-hold of me too.
Oh yeah, Steve Dalton is a Region Home Builder too.
The Northwest Indiana Mortgage Lender Himself in Action:

This is where I first met him during Blog Indiana 2008. Going left to right, Steve Dalton is the second person on the panel.
Oh, I can’t wait for Blog Indiana 2010.
Where was I?
To the right of this camera, asking too many questions.
If you need a Region Mortgage Lender and don’t know who to talk to, talk to Steve Dalton.
If he doesn’t end up being the one that helps you, he can certainly point you towards someone who will.
Much appreciated Nate. I really do love helping people find a home, finance a home, or refinance their dream home.
Cool dude, can’t wait to BS with him more at the next nwitweetup.