If I was smarter, stronger & quicker, I’d a been able to get to Indianapolis at the end of February. As it were, a tooth, a few layers to Project 03 and a few winds blew in directions unforeseen, creating a season of change.
I’m told I’m being hard on myself, but in truth I’m being half as productive as I should be. And now more and more people are depending on me.
So if I say, “no,” to the extra beer, I’m thinking about my health.
If I say I can’t go out, it’s because I have to be responsible.
Somewhere along the way in my attempts to be free of responsiblity, I got responsibility. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
And I have to focus on the day. Quit obsessing over stats, quit checking emails. I have to feel confident that when I’m on task the task if for a good reason. A very good reason.
And that things will take care of themselves.
Then I can get to Indy, Chicago and all those little towns on my way that seem to be popping up on my radar. For if I’m not back to being productive, they’ll all slip away.
And none of that is worth an extra beer or a few hours playing outside. Sometimes.
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