Last month I got to liveblog and tweet my first trade show from the trade show floor instead of from the office. Company jet, hotel room, and everything.
The day before my first flight in the company jet and I found out I was getting bumped and sent commercial because we were picking up “clients” in Vail, Colorado. Fine with me, either way. The speed and convenience of a private jet is always nice, but I’m not on the sales team and our video guy had the equipment. So commercial flights I go. I”ll have to eat breakfast in Vail on some other day.
The flight had one stopover, in Minneapolis. Not sure how going from Chicago to Las Vegas via Minneapolis works, but whatever saves a dollar nowadays.
The stopover took a couple hours so the event planner and I got in a nice dinner.
During dinner I checked our gate to see how long the delay was going to be. Ahead of me seemed to be a nice girl. Dressed for travel, unassuming and casual. Then she spoke.
And her British accent came out. M’mm, sounded like a soft-spoken Joss Stone.
I went back to dinner and told the event planner who I was traveling with about my weaknesses for girls with accents and how one was at the gate.
Leave it to him to go on ahead of me to the gate after dinner and be sitting next to her by the time I got there.
Her name was Lydia. She had been traveling from England for 36 hours at that point and her flight / plight to San Francisco was getting rerouted yet again. This time, she was going on our flight to Vegas.

We talked. She is a sweetheart. Reminded me that Good peoples are still among us. Not only Good, but she’s going to be Bible college in Redding, CA. My BA in Religion from Denominational University gave us common ground.
I showed her the card trick I learned when I was seven and traveling cross-country. That’s when she showed me the trick where she was going to guess my answers to three questions. And she did. Then I told her how she did it.
“Ohhhh, no one ever figured it out before.”
I wont tell you the trick in case she shows you down the road.
We talked a lot of nonsense. And it was alright with me. Her accent made whatever she said sound like a symphony. Even when I had to set her straight that she flew over Wisconsin not “WisconsTin” to get to Minneapolis. I bet she still thinks I”m lying. It’s okay. She knew the US states better than I knew the provinces of the UK.
The event planner got on my case for not trying to get her number. My thought was that she was in the states for about 24 hours and she’s off to bible college. If I’m supposed to meet her again, I will.
Sometimes it’s those little things that come your way when things don’t go your way that make life all the more enjoyable. With that in ind I have to thank legendary TV pitchman Anthony Sullivan for taking my seat on the company jet (but don’t tell him I said that). That “jackass.” 😛
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