Late at night, catching up on some late-night work that I neglected today and I’m being accompanied by recent episodes of CBS’, “Person of Interest.” It’s fairly entertaining. It won’t crack my top 5 shows running:
- BBC’s Doctor Who
- FX’s Justified
- ABC’s Castle
- FX’s Sons of Anarchy
- USA’s Burn Notice
…but it holds my interest when I’m caught up on the others.
Anyway, the end of Person of Interest, Season 1, Episode 7’s episode title, “Witness,” ended with a whipcrack piano-driven blues / gospel gem. I recognized the voice instantly but couldn’t put a name to it. It was killin’ me because the piano riff is so vintage. I’ve heard it a million times. So I went a searchin’ – because I use Google like that – and came across my answers.
Nina Simone.
M’mmmmm. Put her up there with Sarah Vaughn, Etta James, Mahalia Jackson…just tugs on the soul and reminds you of the beauty that can rise up from misery. A little deeper searching pointed out that the song was her gem,
If you haven’t heard her version of Sinnerman, listen below, twice.
Who do I know Nina Simone?
You know this song, “Feeling Good.“
bird’s flyin’ high / you know how I feel…
It’s a shame that it took a network television show to remind me of it.
Hold Me Accountable Things I Did Right
- LWalked 90 minutes both days
- kept snacking down
- drank more water
- drank iced tea between two Gumball Heads
Hold Me Accountable Things I Did Not As Right
- had a slice of pumpkin pie (Tuesday)
- had rice pudding for dinner b/c it was the last time this year we were gonna eat with the OldOld man at this specific cafe (Wednesday)
- went to bed way tooo late (Tuesday)
Summer of 210,000 Words.
800 of 4,000 words hit. It’ll really begin.
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