Another one of the many great advantages of entrenching one’s self in New Media is that you get to meet colleagues along the way with exclusive access to shared passions.
In this case, I refer to my renewed childhood love of Doctor Who. The post David Tennant-era began tonight in the UK. With help from Angolotopia.net-founder Jonathan Thomas, I got a peak into the first episode in the Matt Smith Doctor Who era.
The first Matt Smith Doctor Who episode is titled, “The Eleventh Hour.” And if you’re wondering, “yes,” the magic is still there.
The music, the charisma, the creativity, Matt Smith brought it all. And Karen Gillian’s debut as traveling companion Amy Pond, well, even if she sucked, she would have been perfect.
Leggy Scotish redheads are often like that.
Here’s the intro to Doctor Who, “The Eleventh Hour.” It’ll be broadcast in the states on the 17th on BBC America. It’ll give you a glimpse into why Doctor Who has, once again, become my favorite show running.
Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Review and Discussion on Anglotopia.net
Fine. Don’t take my word for it. Check out the discussion at Anglotopia.net. Yeah, it’ll sound a little bias – many anglophiles raving about an anglo show, but read why they love it.
The upside of BBC shows is that they are more crafted than their US counterparts.
Can You like Sci-Fi and still like the Blues?
F*** yeah you can. Jimi loved sci-fi. Ever hear The Hobbit references in Led Zeppelin songs (not that Zep is blues, but roll w/ me on it)?
Did you watch Doctor Who – The Eleventh Hour?
What did you think? How was the Matt Smith debut? And I’m not even asking about Karen Gilian because there’s no discussion about here. She’s this hot.
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