It took 2 months to recover from the Summer of 210,000 Words woes – on paper. It took another 6 weeks to fix the Summer of 210,000 Words and get it in prime shape to make it the Winter of 210,000 words.
And that’s not what has me excited…
What has me excited.
I’ve been lucky enough to be a party of a project that’s been affectionately labeled “Project 03.” It’s something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. In short, it’s a beautiful marriage of technology, innovation and e-commerce. It looks like it’ll be ready to be announced January 1, 2012. Business owners, internet marketing consultants and marketers alike will love it. Why? Because as an internet marketing strategist, Project 03 is something we’re building that we ourselves will want to use. We will be the first client. That’s how much we’ll love it. It’s a tool; not an expense.
And there’s a little buzz.
Not a big buzz because we’re keepin’ it tight-lipped, but a buzz nonetheless. But as each milestone and goal is reached, the reality of the vision becomes that much closer and that much more paralyzing.
The motown moment.
We’re waiting for that Motown Moment – that beautiful, soulful, felt moment when everyone pauses and holds the moment just long enough for it to massage the soul before the beat picks up again. Then we’ll take the Disney approach:
How Disney announced the Harry Potter theme park.
We’re taking the Disney Approached when the announced the Harry Potter theme park in Orlando: we’re going to tell a few key people and let them have at it and report their experiences. We hope that’ll do it. We don’t have the cash flow to do it any other way 🙂
But this means renewed dedication to discipline.
Because I need to get 18 hours out of my day, not 14.
Hold Me Accountable Things I Did Not As Right
Cardio: 0. Still (walked everyday).
Friday dinner: chips w/ fries. 1.5 helpings.
Diet Pepsi & root beer: had to have something while watching J. Edgar w/ the family.
Sleep: need to get 8 hours. Don’t need more. Don’t need less.
Writing: get back to every day.
Goals for tomorrow:
4000 words written
House winterzied
Cardio: 15 minutes
Walk: 5 miles.
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