Days are going quickly. Big things are becoming small. Deadlines are whooshing by with grace and splendor.
Life Is In a Good Place.
The only things on my mind anymore are project 03, The Summer of 210,000 Words and how to get the most out of the next few days before I go down to Indy. Copywriting, QC, Analysis and the like. I’m gonna start tracking the Summer of 210,000 Words, again, to see if I can get to 4,000 words a day.
Things Are Back to Normal.
As Zac Brown sang,
“Like a sweet sunset in Georgia, let it go.”
– Darold Durard Brown / Vaquan Wilkins
Let those who have decisions to make make their decisions. Too much guitar playing, too much writing, too much traveling, too much smiling…too much living to do in the meantime.
Hold Me Accountable Things I Did Right
Lunch/Brunch: Chili. Turkey Sandwich. Baked Doritos.
Snack: Banana. Raisins. A couple peanuts. 1/2 handful of Baked Doritos. Apple.
Dinner: 2 Grilled BBQ Chicken Breasts. Baked Potato. Salad. Bread.
Dinner Snack: Cinnamon Chex.
Iced Tea: 3 glasses.
Water: 2 glasses.
Walk: 2 hours (90 mins + 30 mins)
Hold Me Accountable Things I Did Not As Right
Dinner: Butter, 3 slabs.
Dinner Snack: 3 snack size Nestle Crunch bars.
Diet Pepsi: 20 oz.
Cardio: 0.
Summer of 210,000 Words Goals for 2011/11/14:
Words: 4,200
Walk: 90 mins
Cardio: 15 mins
Project 03: Outline in PM system
hey, you need to listen to the last podcast I did, My guest Michael Mahe self-published and it went to #1 on two of Amazons best sellers lists.