So, eventually you have to quit celebrating the idea of a weight loss program, hunker down & prepare for the grind ahead. Welcome to the real day one.
But the day started off with some incredible news:
My Summer of 210,000 Words project was saved.
We double-checked the web servers and at 10am CST, Google released the project out of the penalty box. I started bouncin’ ’round the room, singing Sam & Dave songs because I felt like a Sooooul Man. A 4 month Odyssey had, at least today, been rewarded. Now, the project is 8 weeks behind because I wasn’t sure if it was every going to get fixed, but 4 months, 1 week and 2 days was enough. I’ll write more on this in a month if it stays running, but so far I fixed faster than what Allyn Hane predicted. And if it weren’t for the moping and wetnursing, I wonder how much sooner it would have been fixed…but, like I said, story for another day.
Gipsy Kings Live is playing through the 200-watt system on the other side of this screen and the night is as pure and vibrant as Spanish alley dance hall.
I want to keep celebrating.
The sensation kept on into the evening when I went to listen my friend Chris Gomez play a set at Margaritas on the square downtown. He got the gig because the restaurant owner heard us playing on 93.5FM the Friday morning before and said she, “Had to have him play.” I couldn’t be any happier for him. That was one of those freakishly delightful things to have happen for him.
If you want him to play for your next event, here’s The Gomez Show’s Facebook Page.
Tell him Finn sent you.
Anyway, as they started their tear down at the end of their set, we were finished our mango margaritas – highly recommended if you get out to Margarita’s – while talkin’ nonsensical lolli-story goodness. Meanwhile, the bartenders started playing some tunes out of their iPods.
If you want to shut me up, play a song with a spanish guitar intro.
While the goodness continued to spillover amongst the friends, I paused for a second and picked up the chord progressions.
“Is this Hotel California?” I asked the y’alls.
“No way,” the responded between cracks.
And then there was a pause in the song.
We waited…3…4…
“No way! A Spanish version.”
It was blood-thirsty awesome. I flamenco-ed up to the bar and asked the bartender who was playing.
“Gipsy Kings. Its from ‘The Big Lebowski.‘“
That’s all I needed to know.
So when I got back here, yeah, a little Flamenco theme tonight. Beautiful. I miss Spain. Of course, I should go there first one day. It’s in my dreams daily thought. M’mmm…I can taste the salty sea of the Mediterranean.
500 words and I haven’t mentioned my #holdmeaccountable day.
#holdmeaccountable Things I Did Right
- Simple breakfast – 2 eggs, scrambled. Two slices of toast w/ strawberry jam.
- 3 – 4 glasses of iced tea
- 1 -2 glasses of water
- 1 Gumballhead w/ iced tea
- 1 mango margarita w/ iced tea
- 10 minutes on elliptical (day one)
- 65 minutes on treadmill – paced at 4.2 miles an hour for 20 minutes
- dark chocolate granola bar pair
- 1 bowl of mama’s chili
- 2 handfuls, mixed nuts
- 7 toothpicks gnawed
- had steam vegetables and only a couple bites of riced with lemon grilled chicken breast – no skin
#holdmeaccountable Things I Did Wrong
- 1.5 potato chips while cookin’ breakfast
- 2 rolls of bread – buttered
- 3 glasses of caffeine-free diet coke
- staying up to late getting a presentation ready to go
Day #3 Tomorrow.
As Hunter & Garcia once wrote:
“One step done and another begun
in I wonder how many miles?”
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