The pieces to the Book of Blues Prequel have been aquired. Now the trick will be assembling the pieces together.
I wrote out another piece to the Book of Blues Prequel in that I-fell-asleep sort of way (the godd*mn WordPress App just lost 79% of this post. Ever have to write a document with just your thumbs? Carple-Tunnel here I come).
Today is a lighter day.
I’ll get to mini golf at a course I’ve wanted to play since I was in high school. Then, we go to the island for gulfside dining. And if I can stay awake during tonight’s bowl games like I didn’t do last night then I ought to be able to write out another piece of Book of Blues Sequel.
This will put me into the Book of Blues Sequel writing groove.
The sad part is that I only have 4 days left in Ft. Myers, Margaritaville before I have to go back to real life, fulfilling my SEO Copywriter Chicago duties. Life plan “A” and “B” will coincide, again. Most people never get to live any of their life’s plan as they envisioned, so the fact I’m working on both is a blessing. I realize it and I don’t complain. I’m just enjoying the slow-moving days right now.
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