We told clients nearly two weeks ago that we’re mothballing BiziPorts. Once that happened, gravity felt weaker. I could stand taller, sleep longer, and walk farther.
So, while that’s mothballed, it’s time to get to what I’ve been itching to get to since before we started BiziPorts: Books of Blues.
The first book of blues is one I started in November as a part of the National Novel Writing Month project.
It’ll be semi-autobiographically based on our decision to leave our families, come to Bay Area, and start life anew. It will include the ups and downs that we’ve traversed along the way. We’ll be writing it for those who look to move out here as well as those back home who’d like to know how it’s going. On a broader scale, it’ll be for those who ever had to decide to pick up and leave everything they know for a chance to follow their dreams.
I didn’t get to finish it in one month because we were in the process of moving clients off BiziPorts. Also, I spent most of November in Chicago, tending to my mother as she went through and recovered from her second knee replacement surgery in four months. It became a bit daunting.
This will be the book I write to clean the rust off my writing skills.
It’s funny because I started drafting a book out late last summer, a prequel of sorts, to use that book as the one to get back into a groove. But as I wrote it, I got attached to it.
The downside with this one is that I have no idea how I’m going to finish the story. There’s a big-ass gap, like a missing memory, towards the end of it.
I know, “How the Hell can you have issues with the story if this was the story you were planning to write in a month?”
Shut up.
I don’t do things easy. 5 books on the table and the one I’m doing first has an incomplete story.
To combat it, I’m going to have to spend a good deal of time drafting and outlining it. What will probably happen is that this first book will be the best of the series because it’ll be the one I do going through conventional mapping. So shit goes.
I’ll keep y’all posted as I go.
So, time to research some lists of checklists to use for outlines.
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