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I love As Seen on TV. It’s the only place where you can find ads for Cherry Hedges with voiceovers by an Archer-impersonator and backed by a Dixieland Brass Band. Amazing. Wow. What were we talkin’ ’bout? 😛
Cherry Hedges.
In this case, Cherry Hedges vs. Cherry Trees.
What is a Cherry Hedge?
Cherry hedges – also known as the Surina Cherry – have been migrated up from South America and have a presence in Southern Florida (I know what my grandfather’s planting next to his Orange Trees). The upside to them is that they have a tendency to produce more cherries than cherry trees and have a tendency to bear fruit quicker. Now, CherryHedge.com claims their hedges can produce “three times as much fruit,” as a cherry tree. Take that for what you will. They also say you can get up to 10,000 cherries per plant. Please don’t expect that in one summer. But for the most part, the Flowering Cherry Hedge is pretty sweet. And 5-foot tall is optimistic but not an unreasonable expectation for the fruit.
The thing we like to hear: the hedges can withstand temperatures of -40F. Okay, so can my cat for a few seconds, but either way we’re hoping to never be in a position to have to test.
Purdue University states that mature plants (strongest) can withstand “superficial” damage at 22F. But if you live in north of Southern Florida (like most of us) and want to plant them in your backyard for ambiance, fruit, something for your birds…we’d roll the dice on this product.
How to Plant a Cherry Hedge – Tips
- Even spacing. Typically 1-foot for expected height of the trees. In this case, we’d softly suggest that you space the hedges about 5 feet apart from each other.
- A warm spot in the sun – Cherry hedges have a tendency to fair better in the sun.
- Don’t skim on the hole size – eHow.com suggests a hole twice the size of the root ball.
- Add Soil – from the department of things you should already know, fill the hole back in with good soil.
- Trim & Prun at your discretion – Cherry hedges can be treated ore like a wild plant like dune grass. Pruning is optional.
In short, if you take care of your Flowering Cherry Hedge, it should bear you fruit.
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