So my banker, Kevin Gould, & I have been looking for a new adventure to start off 2013 – a cleanse the palate, clean the slate, turn the page, start the year off right sort-of-thing. We’ve also been looking for something that’d we’d both love to write about for almost a year. Then it happened while we were moving him into his new place out to the AberDeen luxury apartments.
Donuts and Diet Coke weren’t sustaining us
We worked up a hellacious appetite. Somewhere between his father repairing the torqued damage to the dryer, watching, “Archer,” while grillin’ taco meat & the secret recipe strawberry margaritas he, Katie & I were sipping’ we started talking about of what calorie-infused salvations we’d been jonesin’. That’s when he started bluesin’ for the blue cheese cheeseburger he was hoping to devour during the lunch break we meant to take at Industrial Revolution back when we weren’t aware we underestimated the effort it would take to move him in.
His blue cheese cheeseburger craving grew.
Come Monday Kevin was a tweetin’ fool for a blue cheese cheeseburger, wondering where in Valpo he should get one.
That’s when we tried to bribe Chris Mahlmann with food and drink and content:
And Mahlmann was on board.
As you can see in the above video, we’re off to a good start. Kevin got his blue cheese cheeseburger. We got an idea:
Phase 1: the best blue cheese cheeseburger in Valpo.
We decided that we were going to hit all the places in town that have one and rate them. No condiments. No special sauces. Just what the menu says. Then we were going to ask the other restaurants who don’t have it on the menu but have the ingredients. While we were at it, if they’re are backyard chefs or country kitchen culinary craftsmen who have their own recipe who want to throw their hats into the ring, we’d love to take a taste!
Phase 2: the best blue cheese cheeseburger in Lake, Porter & LaPorte county.
We’d also extend the county contests to Newton, Jasper, Starke, St. Joseph in Indiana. We also include Berrien County, MI (New Buffalo) because of our love for The Stray Dog coupled with our belief that we live in Duneland and The Dunes don’t stop at a line on a map.
Phase 3: the best blue cheese cheeseburger in Duneland / NWIndiana.
Put the county champions together and see what stacks up!
- no adding condiments
- go with the description on the menu unless notified in advance of menu change
- you can bribe us with cheeseburgers, but no bribing us for a win
- you can bribe us with beer, but no bribing us for a win
- no drinking more than a beer before the burger and review are done so the palette is clean
- no “bleu” cheese. Not until the French contribute more to the world than stale art and staunched egoes.
We haven’t gotten that far yet aside from the following:

Once we know how many places we plan to hit, we’ll know when the format will be solidified. I’m guessing fall before we have a winner. What an adventure this should be.
We think…
Why do we want to do this?
Because we want to know the answer, damnit. And, we want an excuse to trip through the country roads, wineries, breweries, hiking, biking, dune trails of Duneland with our friends and meet new similarly-interested folks as we good.
Because life is only as new as the next adventure.
And life is too short not to take a lifetime of them.
How to participate?
Leave us a comment. Ask us questions. Hit us on social media. We’ll announce when we’re going to the next place. If you’d like to come along, we’d love to have you!
Oh yeah, one requirement or so.
Take pics and videos of blue cheese cheeseburgers as you eat them and share them with us. Tell us the place, time, date, bread, cheese and other such ingredients….pretty please. And send them to us.
We are meeting Monday at Industrial Revolution to talk about it.
Noon. Monday. January 21st, 2013. Here’s a map if you’re thinking you’d like to come out and eat blue cheese cheeseburgers with us and review burgers with us, we’ll see you then. And, yes, any other week you’d like to come out.
What do you think?
Does it sound like fun?
Ha good stuff I say Burger Haus actually … get the Haus Burger with blue cheese
Looking forward to the American Burger. Hoping to catch it when @joncostas is in there. Think we could get him to sample it with us? cc @daltonsbriefs:disqus
Too bad you guys are meeting at noon on Monday. Would love to come out, but work is demanding right now. Can’t wait to see how this pans out. I definitely want to meet up with you guys for an outing.
Beautiful! Yeah, it’s the only time Mahlmann had on the only day off during the week Kevin had. What place/places are you looking forward to?
I’m up for any place honestly! I love a good road trip when I can be available.
Me too. This started as a simple thing to get a new look on life and the area. I’m glad friends want to come along. Which one do you want to do first?
Coopers Hawk and Burger Haus, since I have yet to visit those places are a good start.
Will do. I Cooper’s Hawk has me intrigued. Probably because it’s near Westfield / Southlake and I usually avoid that area as if it were infected with said plague.
you already know that I am in
Awwwwwwwwwsoookie! Watchathinking MC / LP way?
hello who’s coming